Solutions designed to address conditions in built and natural environments
Yellow Jacket Rosy Canyon Archaeological Survey
Utah & Arizona
Wilson & Company’s Environmental Services Practice provides a wide array of comprehensive solutions designed to address conditions in both the built and natural environments. Our team of experts boasts diverse skill sets, enabling us to cater to the needs of our clients across the United States.
At Wilson & Company, we specialize in various areas of environmental services, including proficiency in National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) project management, cultural and archaeological resources, historic resources, biological resources, noise studies, hazardous materials management, environmental permitting, construction monitoring, and GIS analysis and mapping. With this extensive expertise, we are committed to delivering innovative approaches to address environmental challenges effectively.
Our specialists have a proven track record of successfully completing evaluations, clearances, and permitting for our diverse client base. Our clients include cities, counties, and local governments throughout the United States, as well as state Departments of Transportation (DOTs), federal agencies, including the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM), major railroads such as BNSF and UPRR, Tribal entities, and private developers.
You will find a dedicated and multidisciplinary group of professionals at the core of our Environmental Services team. Our team comprises biologists, archaeologists, and planners with extensive experience, all working together to provide you with sustainable and effective environmental solutions.
Our services include:
- NEPA Process Management
- Project planning, design, and construction support
- NEPA document preparation
- Categorical Exclusion (CE)
- Environmental Assessment (EA)
- Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
- Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
- Record of Decision (ROD)
- NEPA re-evaluation
- Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL)
- Environmental technical resource reports
Resource Evaluation
- Noise
- Monitoring and measurement
- Traffic noise modeling
- Mitigation analysis
- Biological resources
- Wetlands delineation and mitigation
- Threatened and endangered species
- Biological Evaluation (BE)
- Migratory birds
- Botany/Vegetation surveys
- Noxious weeds
- Hazardous materials
- Initial Site Assessment (ISA)
- Phase I Site Assessment
- Cultural resources
- Principal investigator
- Field supervisor
- Literature review
- Field survey
- Site recordation, evaluation, testing, monitoring, and excavation
- Historic resources
- Historic architecture
- Section 106 – National Historic Preservation Act
- Section 4(f) – USDOT Act
- Section 6(f) – Land and Water Conservation Act
- Visual Impact Assessment (VIA)
- Water quality
- Stormwater Management Plan
- Erosion control
Environmental Permitting
- Section 401 – Clean Water Act
- Section 404 – Clean Water Act
- Colorado SB40 Wildlife Certification
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
- Numerous local and state permits and certifications throughout the United States
Construction support
- Development of procurement documents/Technical requirements for design-build project delivery
- Environmental compliance
- Construction oversight